Elementless Filter FILSTAR
(A hybrid of Centrifugal Separator and Liquid Cyclone Filter)
A maintenance free, incredibly cost saving, ever-durable elementless filter - it does away with any filtering elements, cartridges, fabrics, nonwovens, etc. - for separation of particle in microscopic sizes of 10 microns to 2mm. (1 micron on request).
FILSTAR Coolant System Installation EffectEffect on machines
① Reduction of inaccurate HOLDER vibration due to miniscule metal chips.
② Reduction of damage to the main shaft by sludge.
③ Reduction of jig contact adhesion abnormality.
④ Extension of cutting tool life.
Effects other than to the machine
⑤ Extension of coolant life(Easy reco ver chips floating due to stirring effect).
⑥ Prevention of pump deterioration.
⑦ Reduction of work time and cost related to liquid exchange by cleaning in the coolant tank.
Filtration Performance

3 Block Technology

3 Zeros – Merits

FILSTAR Introduction Benefits

Comparison with Filters with Elements

Comparison with Cyclone Separator

FILSTAR・Product Line Up

FILSTAR・Flow Diagram Example


Demonstration of FILSTAR Filtration